Your Value Is Your Asset

“Taking care of your body classifies your beauty while taking care of your body together with your brain qualifies your beauty”.

Value is costly, invaluable, priceless. Value is also known as virtue.

Our outer beauty reflects our inner beauty. Outer beauty can be feigned, but inner beauty can’t be faked.

Some women use make-up to boost their physical beauty, but there is no alternative to boost up the inner beauty than to build it. One of the constituents of the inner beauty is the Character.*

Do not be carried away by men’s appraisal. Most men are deceptive and due to their deceptiveness, they can go an extra mile to capture women’s heart. Some even deny what they thirst for, in order to impress women.
However, men know women’s weaknesses and from a woman’s weakness, they get her. So also the devil does in the lives of believers.

 A woman would either be a man’s headache or panadol. A woman would either be a man’s pain or reliever. A woman would either be a man’s danger zone or comfort zone. A woman can be a man’s source of sorrow or joy. A woman would either be the reason for a man’s wept or smile.

A man knows what is good, he likes what is good, he wants what is good, he knows a virtuous woman, he values a virtuous woman, and he knows how meaningless his life could be if he does not have a good woman, in his life. The first gift God gave a man is woman, and the best gift a man could have is a virtuous woman. A his man’s life without a good woman is incomplete.

 With the above-stated points we women can evaluate ourselves, we know the class we belong to and how tricky men are. Do you want to be an asset or a regret for men?

A man acknowledges how limited the function of his bedmate is, compared to the unlimited functions of his soul mate.

“No man would make a bed mate as his wife”.*
Aren’t you noticed that most men do not like to get married to whom they copulate frequently before marriage?*
Men gets tired of women that offer them sex, without adding values. She is sweet now, because they want to taste her. It is not too good if the only value you can add to a man’s life is sex. You will only be useful and sweet to them now, they are not yet ready to set a home. By the time they are ready for marriage, you will smell to them,and your service will no longer be needed.*
Virtuous women are like gold and precious stone, that reasonable men desire for,and cannot afford to lose.*

A man knows a woman with stuff and materials. The material a woman carries qualifies her to be a wife material. Bed mates are recognised by fake men . Real men know when women are not qualified. That is why bedmates, has restrictions in men’s territory.

A woman with no virtue is compared with charcoal,that is vivid to men.*
That is why bedmate function ends outside a man’s heart, while the function of a virtuous woman ends in a man’s heart.*

Can a man in his right senses choose a full time bedmate over a virtuous woman?_
Which man in his thoughtfulness, would make a wrong choice of trading a Gold for charcoal?*
I beseech us, to ponder on these!

Physical beauty without value is just like a car without an engine. Physical beauty without inner beauty cannot sustain one’s matrimonial home.

A woman that relies only on her outer beauty, is a failure.
I pray for all readers of this article, you will not be a failure to God, to yourself, in your various homes, and to your generation in Jesus name.

Nevertheless, there are many beautiful ladies (women), men encounter on daily basis.  

However, the point where one woman’s physical beauty ends, is the same point another woman’s physical beauty starts.*

Physical beauty can be defaced, beauty fades away.  It is very rare for the inner beauty to get staled, unless, if one is involved in a fatal accident which led to the loss of memory. “To the reader of this write-up, you will never be a victim of this circumstance in Jesus name”.

Physical beauty fades away in two ways – Naturally and artificially,
People’s beauty varies.
Naturally, some women beauty comes at the early stage of their lives, some at their youthful stage, while some at their old age. Some beauty does not change in degree, until after death.
Nevertheless, some women’s beauty develops gradually, and other categories of women beauty develops rapidly.

Artificially, some people can be defaced in two forms; By maltreatment, or by involving in a deadly accident.
*One’s virtue define one’s uniqueness. (Ifedayo Ruth).*

Matthew 22:14:” Many are invited, but only few are chosen”.
_The statics of beautiful women in the world are uncountable and among them, there are few virtuous.
_In essence, glaringly,

In essence, virtuous women are scarce and hard to find._

A beautiful woman that is not dutiful would be guilty. (Ifedayo Ruth).*

Proverb 22:9; “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low “.

Most men want the best for themselves, but the question is that: can those men be the best to women too?

Men of this era, do not have the strength to carry overload. Their exposure and experience have thought them so much, that now make them cherish hard-working women more.*

I have to be sincere with ladies out there, men are complaining out there. It is what saddens my heart when I hear men say some ladies are a parasite, they have nothing to offer other than sex. The gist is a men like it when a women is also adding values to their lives, and not only when she is subtracting from them.*

Men do not like women that would drain them into poverty. Men are human too, not ATM. It is the same way a lady do not like poverty, men also do not like to be drained to poverty. Poverty is not good for either genders. Let us work to possess what they deserve to get from men. A responsible man knows what is right, does what is right without been told. * Note that: “Men are not fools, they only play along with women”.

Women, buckle up your belts so as not to be a liability to men. The Bible called women helpmates, and not dependants. Helpmates are to support the soulmate. And not to sit, fold arms, and always expect the best.


Proverbs 14:2 says:” He whose walk is upright fears the Lord, but he whose ways are devious, despises him”. A virtuous  woman has the fear of God. Proverbs 14:1 also says:”The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands, the foolish one tears hers down”.

  • She is the pillar to the wall of her home and not the caterpillar.
  • She is builder of her marital home, and not the destroyer. 
  • She is diligent in her work, she takes care of her home and her family.
  • She has good moral values like: Humility, care, understanding, endurance, patience, politeness and dignity.
  • She is intellectually, and spiritually inclined.
  • She has a place in the heart of a man, and she knows the way to a man’s heart.
  • She is a good adviser, supporter,and encourager to the man.


The first step to it is to move closer to God.
Matthew 11:28; “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”.
The next step is for a woman to know God, and obey God.

Engaging in a consistent workout, spiritually, morally, and intellectually.*
Growth in all these aspects, qualifies a woman to be virtuous.