Why You Should Never Stop Learning: A Complete Overview

Graduation from the school of learning is an automatic admission to the school of ignorance.

Continuity in the school of learning keeps an individual growing in knowledge. Retirement from the office of learning makes an individual’s knowledge capacity minimal.

*Keep your knowledge updated from the outdated state. Your content needs to be refreshed, and renewed (Intellectual Development).*

According to Bishop oyedepo, he said, “To be informed is to be transformed and to be uninformed is to be deformed.” Consistency in the process of acquiring knowledge keeps an individual informed, and aware of beneficial things.

*Perhaps you have gotten to the highest rank in education, that does not stop you from learning daily. Each day has different activities. Daily, you meet different people, with different ideas.*

A general mentality most students have is; after school, the learning ends. Going for a holiday after an academic session does not mean learning should be on hold. No scholar goes on holiday, most of them stay tuned up in making research always.

Life itself is a process. We all keep going through the journey process. The process is long, it will not end until one stops to breathe.

*A slack in reading is a lack of knowledge.*The more you read, the more you know. *The more you grow in knowledge the more you become vibrant.*

Not until you take a book to read before you learn or study.

There are various ways to learn;

*Move closer to others, pay attention to others, listen to those around you, have it in mind you would learn from every single person you meet in a day. Emulate good ideas, ask relevant questions, and embrace other people’s ideas. Lastly, endeavour to read educative books.*