The union of passion and hard work births success

combinationunion of passion and hard work births success”.

Definition in the equation as received; Passion+Hard work = Success.

*Passion: Personal aspiration surrounding strong internal optimistic notch. Hard work is sustained by an internal force called passion.

Passion is an essential ingredient that fuels vision. Having a strong feeling and love for a particular thing, and aspiration to attain it makes it passionate. Meanwhile, passion vibes with commitment and consistency enrich commitment. Commitment and consistency aid dexterity. I am using this medium to tell that the combination of all, makes up uniqueness. Are you aware that the lack of passion in the process of achieving success could give room for discouragement, distraction, and tiredness?*

Passion is an inputted mechanism, that drives one to his or her destination.

Having passion with hard work makes success.

No one can be in his or her comfort zone and get to his/her destination of success. Compulsorily, the zone of relaxation must be left before one can start the journey to success. Being afraid to leave the comfort zone, is being afraid to move to the next level.*

*There is no shortcut to success aside from hard work. That which grows fast withers rapidly; that which grows slowly endures. (Josiah G.Holland). It takes time, effort, hard work, consistency, patience, and endurance. Josiah G.Holland said; “There is no Royal road to anything. One thing a time, all things in succession”. 

The road to success has never been smooth, and it will never be smooth. Hard work requires quality time and ceaseless efforts. Sometimes, the closer you are to success, the tougher it becomes.

*Get yourself involved in things you love doing. Get yourself doing what you have a passion for, and that thing you know works for you.*

What works for Mr A might never work for Mr B. This is the more reason why we should not get ourselves involved in things just because our friends are doing them. Not everyone can become successful business persons. Not everyone can become ministers of God. And not everyone can become professors. Some are destined to lead, while some are destined to follow. The force that drives every individual varies. With the help of God, the key to success lies in our hands. Becoming a successful person is not a consequence of random luck, but with God’s grace and hard work.*

“Get it right, work it out, and do it well”.

The Bible says work and pray. While preparing to work on the lane of success, know yourself, be sure of your purpose; it will direct you to the right destination.