“One of the ways to exhibit self-centeredness is to place more importance on your happiness not minding if it would cause damage to others”.

All humans are selfish. However, the degrees of selfishness vary.

*The average human being loves to be favoured without minding if others are injured or not. This makes the wants and needs of an individual to be of great importance to an individual.*

*It is not a crime to prioritize things that pertains to us, but it is bad to choose our priority amidst options that are detrimental to others.*

*“Happiness is good to be felt, but it is much better when it circulates”.

_One of the hindrances to the progress and the development of our society is self-centeredness.  Despite most societal leaders are financially capable, even before they emerge as political icon, they still go far to embezzle money into their own pockets._
_Most of them have more than enough to sustain their lineage for decades, yet they still don’t care about those that cannot afford a square meal._
_Most of them give sumptuous meals to their dogs. They do not care about fellow human beings like themselves, that feed on the remnant. What intimidation on poor masses!_

*It is humanly to put others into consideration in whatsoever we do.*

The only way this can be achieved is to; “love your neighbour as yourself.” just as said in Mark 12:31.

*Food for thought: I urge us to endeavour to always Include others in our plans and we should do things that people would always benefit from.*