“Not everyone deserves your loyalty, sincerity and transparency, only those who know its value and worth”.

Pretentious lifestyle is the lifestyle that some people live to impress others.
It is a deliberate act of hiding one’s true picture, from others.

*The Bible says; “A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life, is full of life.” A no pretence life gives us peace of mind.*

A pretentious lifestyle is not good. It is bamboozling, when some people live a pretentious life, in spite, they are not restricted to express themselves correctly. Some people can also go far in deception, for the acclaim of Saint.
INTENTIONAL PRETENTIOUS LIFESTYLE: This is a deliberate deceitful action, that makes someone to create a different, and insincere impression of himself or herself to others.
UNINTENTIONAL PRETENTIOUS LIFESTYLE: Some set of people find themselves in an environment that; it is a taboo for them to express themselves.
Due to the restriction in expressing themselves, such a situation goes beyond their control.
The motives of people like these are always being misrepresented by people around them.
“We cannot always be available for everyone, to defend ourselves”.
 We cannot always be opportune to tell people why we choose to do some certain things especially at the time of misconception. Levites are mostly a victim of this circumstance.
There are high chances of friction between pastors and their children.
And one of the primary reason is due to the incompatibility in their social lifestyle.
Lack of exposure happens to be part of it.

_Pastors with the conviction against (Fashion) E.g Hairstyle, earrings, attachment e.t.c always tend to impose it on their children even on their adult children too._

And as for those that are in adulthood or those that have passed through that stage, they like to explore and do things in their way the moment they gain their freedom (Outside their parent’s roof).

_If such a child whose parents have the conviction gets to school, and he or she decides to do things of his or her choice or wish, there is always a misconception whenever the church members bomb into him or her._

One of the awkward and bad mentality people have is; the expectation of social compatibility between parents and the children.
  Christianity is quite different from conviction. God communicate with people in different ways. God is different from men, what God knows men do not know, what God sees, men do not see. God curb us from some certain things because he knows we cannot have control over it.
 _Hon Williams and I discussed something related to this write up on the 24th of December 2020._

_He said; “He owes no human apology and explanation on whatever he does. He furthered and said the most paramount thing he cares not to lose, is the relationship between him and God”._
_I so much reason from his perspective._

“God understands you better, even when human beings do not”.
I will use two sisters’ scenario to shed more light on this.

_Sister Betty is a spiritual sister that gave her best to the church. But unfortunately, she had an affair with bro Jack, that led to pregnancy._ _Because the church got to know, they frowned at her and refused to bless their union despite she did not abort it._

_Sister Simi on the other hand is cunning in her ways. She has had several abortions for different guys. Now she decided to marry bro John,  but because the church was not aware of her past, they embraced her, celebrated her, and blessed her union. It is quite unfortunate that the church is a disappointment to embracing insincerity._ _Instead of the church to embrace sis Betty for her sincerity, they used it against her._

One of my sayings is that; “Only God knows the right intentions behind your actions but no man does”. Only God sees what you do in your secret.
Most people, are not worth seeing what they ought to see because the moment they are opportune to see it, they end up using it against you.
In whatever decision you take in life, let God, your conscience and instinct lead it.
If by following these you are clarified, you cannot be crucified.